Conflict Resolution

The majority of issues referred to Workplace Strategies for dispute resolution revolve around the employment relationship (including employee performance and disciplinary matters, employee grievances, personality conflicts and issues arising post-dismissal), though we also have expertise in disputes between boards of directors, partnerships and client/customer complaints.

Performance and Disciplinary Hearings

Workplace Strategies offers an independent chairperson to conduct internal performance or disciplinary hearings in compliance with the Labour Relations Act 1995 and the Code of Good Practice: Dismissal.

Our chairpersons hear the appropriate evidence and give a written recommendation to the employer within 48 hours of the completion of the hearing.


In response to a need to avoid litigation and disputes in industrial tribunals, Workplace Strategies offers a private dispute resolution service that seeks to find ways of resolving a dispute through mutual agreement.Workplace Strategies offers the services of a mediator to assist the parties to an employment dispute to reach an agreed outcome. The parties in the mediation can be assisted along the resolution path, but ultimately they must agree on the solutions or settlement proposed. No resolution or binding order can be forced upon any party by a mediator. Unless the dispute is particularly complex or the parties are particularly acrimonious, a mediation can usually be concluded within a day. If the parties agree to a settlement, both parties are asked to sign a Settlement Agreement that places lawful obligations on them to carry out the solutions agreed at the mediation.Settlement in a mediation can never be guaranteed, but the process of allowing disputing sides to put their version of the dispute, in a controlled environment, means a successful resolution is reached more often than not.

If your business is in need of Conflict Resolution, we can help.